A Chat with Mike Kinnebrew Part 1
Curious GoldfishApril 09, 2024x
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A Chat with Mike Kinnebrew Part 1

Authenticity in Songwriting and Sobriety: A Conversation with Mike Kennebrew

In this episode of 'Curious Goldfish,' host Jason English invites singer-songwriter Mike Kennebrew to explore the interconnection between music, vulnerability, and personal growth. Mike shares his journey of using songwriting as a means to confront his deepest fears and life's challenges, particularly the decision to quit drinking. This candid conversation also touches on the impact of sobriety on Mike's life, family, and creativity, providing insights into being present and making positive changes. Mike's reflections on daily life post-quitting alcohol are highlighted, serving as encouragement for others facing similar struggles. Additionally, Mike talks about his musical influences, experiences of moving frequently during his childhood due to his father's ministerial job, and his career progression. The episode includes discussions about being an artist, the process of songwriting, and its therapeutic aspects. Mike also touches on the crucial role of faith in his life and music. The episode concludes with Mike's performance of 'What's Left of Me,' a single written two months after he quit drinking.

00:00 The Art of Vulnerability in Music

01:01 Introducing Curious Goldfish: A Musical Journey

01:40 Mike Kennebrew: A Story of Music, Vulnerability, and Sobriety

02:17 Navigating Life's Journey Through Songwriting

05:43 The Influence of Faith and Family in Music

11:53 The Unconventional Path to Music: From Church Camp to Professional Musician

17:33 Balancing Family, Faith, and a Music Career

21:11 Ellie and Drew: A Tale of Friendship and Music

22:56 Exploring the Roots: From Church Camps to Nashville Stardom

25:31 A Serendipitous Encounter with Theo Vonn

28:49 The Nashville Connection: Building Community and Creativity

30:39 Embracing Sobriety: A Journey of Self-Discovery

39:26 The Power of Songwriting: Conveying Personal Struggles and Triumphs

44:05 Closing Thoughts and Musical Farewell