A Chat with Vanessa Peters
Curious GoldfishFebruary 23, 2024x
39:3036.17 MB

A Chat with Vanessa Peters

Flying on Instruments: An Interview with Vanessa Peters

In this episode of Curious Goldfish, host Jason English interviews singer-songwriter, Vanessa Peters. They discuss her new album 'Flying on Instruments,' set to release in February 2024, and the unique challenges that today's music industry technology presents, such as AI bots trademark craziness. Vanessa expresses that even though a sustainable living in music might not be possible for her, she's finding freedom in carefully crafting her music. Vanessa ends the interview with two performances.

00:07 Introduction and Personal Reflections

00:58 Welcome to Curious Goldfish: The Podcast

02:07 The Paradox of Today's Aspiring Musician

02:48 Vanessa Peters: The Songwriter's Journey

06:10 The Songwriting Process and Challenges

08:32 The Personal and Emotional Aspects of Songwriting

21:04 The Business Side of Music and Challenges

26:44 Reflections on Music Career and Future Goals

29:50 Conclusion: The Meaning of Music

ted lasso,mental health,singer-songwriting,