Ted Lasso Episode Review: Season 1, Episode 4 (For the Children)


A charity function is the anchor event of this episode - Rebecca takes it over from her ex-husband, who decides to make an appearance. This is the first time Ted Lasso has met Rupert. The squabble between Jaime and Roy continues, and the relationship between Keeley and Rebecca is solidified with the help of a rickshaw and some bottles of champagne.

Favorite Moments

  1. Ted continues to give unlikely characters a moment in the spotlight, this time for a ragged street musician who brings the house down at a charity event.
  2. Ted continues his mentorship of Nate by inviting him as his plus-one to the charity event, and helping him get suited-and-booted on the way. "Fashion is all about confidence."

Favorite Quotes

  1. "You don't need to be best friends to be teammates."
  2. "You know how they say that youth is wasted on the young? Well, I say don’t let the wisdom of age be wasted on you." Ted to Roy Kent.
  3. "Now, listen. You two knuckleheads have split our locker room in half. And when it comes to locker rooms, I like 'em just like my mother's bathing suits, I only wanna see 'em in one piece, you hear?" Ted to Jaime and Roy.

Lasso Lessons

  1. Don't let conflict fester. Ted explicitly orchestrated Jaime and Roy sitting at the same table at the gala so they could work things out.
  2. Empathy goes a long way. Throughout Season 1, Ted has shown curiosity and interest in Rebecca, authentically asking how she's doing etc, and in this episode, when Rupert shows up, it obviously affects Rebecca. Ted is there for her as a listening ear and a shoulder to cry on. Little does he know her hiring him was a ploy to get back at Rupert. He believes in the goodness of people and is there for her.

Ted Lasso is a registered trademark of Apple TV+.

Jason English (Host)
Jason English (Host)
Founder & Host